EMF History

It was in 1995 that Eloise was given a vision concerning the whole wellness of humanity: men, women, and children, concerning their ability to remain S.U.C.C.E.S.S©.ful ( Sustained Under Continuous Conditions of Extreme Setbacks and Situations) in their pursuit to conquer their dreams when a T.K.O attempt is made on their life. A heavy burden and concern has been placed in her heart; A desire to see women, men and children restored to their original place of influence and power. Eloise believes that that original place has everything to do with looking one’s self through God’s vision, not Human vision, which often sees with limitations.

It is with this clarity of vision that Eloise Founded the Empowered Motivated and Focused Ministries d/b/a Empowered Motivated and Focused, Inc. (EMF). The organization is an IRS designated 501(c)(3) and was formally incorporated in 2003. The organization is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven (7) professional individuals, and has a growing volunteer staff.

The mission of EMF, Inc. is to cultivate and promote assertiveness, confidence and self-respect by developing new life changing habits and attitudes of limitless possibilities.

The message espoused to the EMF audiences is one of expectation- I will be a S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in my present and future despite my past.

EMF’s vision includes all of God’s created beings, churched, non-churched, male or female being Empowered to see clearly that they were not a mistake, motivated towards pursuing a life of freedom from the bondages of bad decisions, and Focused on the goal of finishing what they’ve started with the intent to achieve.

The organization's task includes developing and delivering workshops centered on its three-tiered foundation: The Enrichment Program; The Family Development Program; and the Career Development Program. The overall theme of each of the organization's programs is “Rehabilitation from the Inside Out”.

It is the belief of EMF that you can give people all the social programs in the world to assist them with navigating through life. However, if that person who has received those programs has not decisively changed from the inside out, they will come to abuse the purity of the social programs given them. Therefore, one must be Rehabilitated from the Inside Out! Change must take place from the root. EMF is that organization which gets to the root of humanity to make them healthy, sound and strong.